With continued growth in the online sector, developers are becoming increasingly interested in this new form of distribution. Shooters and RPGs may be the typical games developed in this area, but MLB Dugout Heroes is here to show us that great online baseball can be done.
"MLB Dugout Heroes is the first fully licensed and online-based PC baseball game in North America," said Jonathan Stypula, Community Manager. "You’re able to draft your favorite players from any MLB era, level up, complete missions, compete in tournaments, and purchase new uniforms, bats, pitches, and more! We [had] a short Closed Beta Test [on] Friday, March 13, from 3pm-6pm. We’ll be following that up with our Open Beta launch on Thursday, March 19!"
What are some of the benefits of being an online-only release?
The biggest benefit is that by being online-only, everyone playing the game is connected, creating a persistent online community.
Right, it also allows us to consistently update the game via stats, missions, and items. It also increases the accessibility of the game. You don’t have to go to the retail store the purchase it for a console you may or may not have. All you need is a computer and an internet
Which market are you trying to hit with this game? Those who love the MLB 2K/MLB The Show style of games (simulation), the The BIGS style (arcade), or some other group?
We’re catering to both baseball fans and gamers. Unlike the other games you’ve mentioned, you’re able to level up your team and players in MLB Dugout Heroes, much like MMORPGs.
It’s good that you bring up the MLB 2K, MLB The Show, and BIGS series because we’re all big fans of those games here. We incorporate the best aspects of those games in MLB Dugout Heroes. At first glance it’s easy to see that our game has arcade style looks and gameplay, but it’s also much deeper with realistic statistics, management, and ratings.
With Dugout Heroes being online from the start, I assume the game is strictly multiplayer. If not, what single-player features are available?
The online multiplayer is definitely the soul of MLB Dugout Heroes. It’s definitely the most fun and involved part of the game.
However, for those who want to hone their skills or are extremely shy, we do have a variety of single-player features available. We have pitching and batting tutorials which we encourage everyone to use to learn. We also have a homerun derby, AI exhibition and pennant race where you can play against the computer and earn prizes.
Tell us about the multiplayer content -- modes, number of players, etc.
All online multiplayer games are 1 on 1 with your team against another person’s team. Online multiplayer can be divided into 2 modes, ranked and unranked. Unranked mode, or Online Exhibition, is where you can play against a player but it doesn’t affect your stats or rank. In ranked mode, you play against a player, and depending on how well your team does, your players level up. For example, if your designated hitter on your team was able to hit 2 homeruns during a game, your power stat might go up.
We also have daily and weekly missions that can only be completed in the ranked mode. An example of a mission would be to make 2 steals in a game, or hit a homerun in a game. By completing these missions, you’ll receive some in game currency which you can use to purchase additional players or items.
Are there any customization or team building features?
Yes! It’s all about customization! You decide your team’s batting order and pitchers and have the ability to draft additional players to your team.
You can also purchase equipment like bats and gloves that will enhance your batting, fielding, or pitching stats. We also have alternate and historical uniforms and the ability to upgrade new pitches for your pitchers.
Of course, the gameplay is the most important feature. So tell us about the batting, pitching, fielding and base running mechanics.
Batting and pitching are deceptively simple to control as it is just aiming and clicking on the mouse. However, when playing against another player, it’s hard to read what the other player is throwing at you, especially if they’re throwing a breaking ball.
Fielding and baserunning is controlled by the keyboard. Throwing to a base is as simple as holding down a base’s corresponding keybutton. The longer you hold the button down, the stronger the throw. Baserunning is also controlled by holding down the base’ corresponding key.
Is it hard to make a baseball game work using a mouse and keyboard setup when most of us are used to playing sports games with a controller? How do you determine what to simplify (if anything)?
We actually think the keyboard controls are easier than a console game and allow for better control of the game.
I agree, using a mouse to aim your pitches and your bat is so simple to learn yet hard to master.
The beta images look pretty good. Did the development team create their own engine for Dugout Heroes?
Yes, the game engine was developed by WiseCat Inc. in South Korea. They are a great team to work with and we are very pleased with the look and feel of the game.
As a free game, how will you profit from Dugout Heroes? In-game ads?
We will have items for sale in our Item Mall. We will sell bats, gloves, uniforms, and more that give you increased stats. If you want to draft another player from another team or era, we have draftcards that give out a new player.
However, most of our items will be available to purchase with Nuts, our in game currency. Nuts can be earned by playing online games, completing missions, and trading players.
Anything else you'd like to tell us about Dugout Heroes?
Our Open Beta will start on March 19 and we will be having lots of exciting events with giveaways so be sure to come and play! We’ll be giving out real, tangible MLB gear from your favorite team, as well as awesome in game items! If you ever see us in the game, be sure to challenge us!