First Crysis Warhead Review

Warhead, says PC Zone, remedies many of the issues that players had with the first game; the sometimes dodgy AI, unspectacular aliens turning up... Very high praise follows..."With its budget price and improved multiplayer, there's more than enough here to cheer nay-sayers," says the mag,"One of the most striking things about Warhead is the way it shakes the template Crysis snowglobe and has its constituent parts drift and settle into surprising new patterns. In Crysis encounters with enemies were heavily cordoned off from each other, in Warhead anything goes."It's a frenzy of intelligent and original level design, far away from the Far Cry model that Crysis aped," the review continues.Nanosuited enemies, revamped aliens, bog-standard Koreans and a whole bunch of the monolithic Hunter tentacle beasts all turn up in an unpredictable order says PCZ, making for some "awe-inspiring" battles."Warhead encourages you to be constantly on the move, often in vehicles with big guns, and always with fire and broken fuel storage tanks left in your wake. However, this is not to say that you can't take your time if you want to."But are the aliens better? "A fairer question might be 'are the aliens as oddly unexciting as last time round?' - the answer to which is a straight no. They're a lot more dynamic now, they get into scrapes with the Korean army and they jump from rock to rock with AI routines that have a lot more in common with your be-nanosuited foes."The game does stumbles somewhat in its mundane tale of camaraderie with a rogue pilot called Sean O'Neill," the review continues, adding that story never quite dips into a naffness that particularly harms the game."Warhead honestly is the finest burst of action gaming released so far this year, and if you're canny then you'll be able to pick it up for a mere £15 from online retailers. It's a five hour tour-de-force that's plugged the holes in Crysis with diamonds."We're very keen to get our hands on it. Read the full review in PC Zone issue 199, in the shops on Thursday, September 11 (and subscriber's hands now