Spider-Man 3 Cheats

Unlockable: Spiderman's Black Outfit
To unlock Spiderman's black outfit, defeat Venom at the end of the game.

Unlockable: Arena Mode
To unlock Arena Mode, simply complete the game in full.

Gamertag Achievements
A Dark Reward
(20 Pts) Something with the black suit.
Aleksei Sytsevich (30 Pts) Defeat this nemesis.
Arachnophile (10 Pts) Collect all Secret tokens.
Bomb Squad (20 Pts) Get at least Bronze on all bomb tours.
Bronze Finalist (20 Pts) Get at least Bronze on all trick races.
Cold Blooded Super Master (30 Pts) Complete all Connors missions.
Collateral Damage (10 Pts) Destroy 25 objects.
Curtis Connors (30 Pts) Defeat this nemesis.
Deputy (30 Pts) Complete all DeWolfe missions.
Eddie Brock (40 Pts) Defeat this nemesis.
Fast Swinger (20 Pts) Swing at 200 miles per hour.
Fire Breather (10 Pts) Collect all Order of the Dragon Tail tokens.
Flint Marko (30 Pts) Defeat this nemesis.
Frequent Flyer (10 Pts) Collect all Skyscraper tokens.
Gold Medal Winner (30 Pts) Get Gold on all trick races.
Harry Osborn (30 Pts) Defeat this nemesis.
Hitch Hiker (20 Pts) Ride a car or truck for 5 miles.
Intermediate Racer (20 Pts) Get at least Bronze on all easy and medium trick races.
Luke Carlyle (30 Pts) Defeat this nemesis.
Macdonald Gargan (40 Pts) Rescue this adversary.
Mary Jane Thriller (20 Pts) Complete all Mary Jane thrill rides.
Master Tourist (20 Pts) Take a 500-point photograph.
Master Web Swinger (20 Pts) Swing a total of 50 miles.
Mega Tourist (10 Pts) Take a photograph from a great height.
Mega Web Swinger (30 Pts) Swing a total of 200 miles.
Pied Piper (10 Pts) Collect all Subway tokens.
Pole Swinger (10 Pts) Swing on 50 poles.
Police Chief (30 Pts) Complete all combat tours.
Police Corporal (30 Pts) Complete all Petty Theft missions.
Police Detective (30 Pts) Complete 25 random city missions.
Police Officer (30 Pts) Complete all Crime Spree missions.
Police Sergeant (30 Pts) Complete all Bank Robbery missions.
Punk Rocker (10 Pts) Collect all Apocalypse Gang tokens.
Sergei Kravinoff (30 Pts) Defeat this nemesis.
Shutterbug (20 Pts) Complete all Daily Bugle photo missions.
Silver Finalist (20 Pts) Get at least Silver on all trick races.
Spider-Man (50 Pts) Complete all missions.
Splat Master 2007 (20 Pts) Splat into the ground 25 times.
Sweet Tooth (10 Pts) Collect all Arsenic Candy tokens.
Trick Novice (20 Pts) Get at least Bronze on all easy trick races.
Web Slinger (20 Pts) Web up 25 enemies.
Web Swinger (20 Pts) Swing a total of 10 miles.
Wilson Fisk (30 Pts) Defeat this nemesis.

HInt - Easy Fast Swinger Achievement
Your goal is to swing 200 miles per hour. This may seem impossible but there is a trick:

1. Head to the rooftop of the Daily Bugle. 2. Run to the triangular tip of the building.

2 metal cylinders next to each other near the end.

3. There will be

4. When near them, you will see an X button appear on screen.

5. Before pressing BLUE, face towards Central Park (just check your map).

6. Press BLUE and you will see an animation of the left thumbstick pushing downward.

7. Keep pushing downward on the left thumbstick.

8. You will let go and start flying.

9. You should land in one of the lakes in Central Park.

10. You should see the achievment confimation.

Hint - Black Suit Follies
Complete all 26 story missions, clear the final Sandman fight and you can play through the second time with the black suit Spider-man. You can also get it by beating the game and going to the upgrades section on the pause menu. Then go down to playable characters to be Venom, New Goblin, Sandman, Lizard, or Black Suit Spidey.

Hint - Kingpin Battle
Hit YELLOW twice and then when the punch icon appears above Kingpin's head, hold LB until he misses. Afterwards, hit YELLOW instead of BLUE to do the Hurricane Counter move. This damages him, unlike most moves and builds Spidey's rage. When a rage attack is available, use it and keep hitting YELLOW instead of doing the Super Attack. This should knock out the boss quickly and more effectively than not.

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