Spore cheats and codes

You need to press the following buttons on your keyboard to open the Spore console screen while playing the game: press Ctrl + Shift + C at the same time. Once you’ve done that, the console screen allows you to type the below cheat codes, after which you hit the Enter or Esc button or the red X to close the console. — This video will show you: how to enter cheats into Spore.
The code is followed by its effect on the game.
* Type: capturePlanetGIF — To capture a spinning GIF picture of the planet you are on, which is then saved to the AnimatedAvatars directory on your computer.
* Type: setConsequenceTrait (trait) — Where you see the text “(trait)” instead you type out one of the following traits that you want… cell carnivore, cell_herbivore, cell_omnivore, creature_aggressive, creature_social, creature_mixed, tribe_aggressive, tribe_social, tribe_mixed, civ_military, civ_economic, civ_religious, space_bard, space_ecologist, space_zealot, space_diplomat, space_scientist, space_trader, space_shaman, space_warrior, space_wanderer, or space_knight
* Type: help (command) — This explains the actions and usages of a command. Where you see the text “(command)” instead you type the cheat code you want explained.
* Type: addDNA — To increase how much DNA you have to spend by 150 points.
* Type: moreMoney — This increases your money in the Civilization or Space stages.
* Type: help — This lists all cheats and debug commands.
* Type: killallhints — To remove all hints from the game.
* Type: refillMotives — Where needed, this replenishes your health and other motives.
* Type: SetTime (hour, minute) — This sets the time of day at the Avatar’s position, and optionally can give you a speed multiplier. Where you see the text “(hour, minute)” instead you type the time of day you want.
* Type: freeCam — To toggle free camera mode.
* Type: unlockSuperWeapons — This unlocks all superweapons for your Civilization type.
Easter Egg: A secret in the game is finding the head of Spore creator Will Wright. To do this you must go to the main menu and click on the center of the galaxy to get a full view. Once there, you hold down the left mouse button to then move it left or right so you can give the galaxy a spin. If you spin it fast enough Will Wright’s head will pop up like so…

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